Discover How to Help Japan

Discover How to Help Japan

Discover How to Help Japan

Place a custom button on your webpage to share a curated playlist of content related to the recent Japan earthquakes and tsunami.

Since the earthquake and tsunami that struck northeastern Japan last Friday, the world’s been watching videos of ships being swept away by colossal tides and reading stories of entire towns being decimated. The earthquake was so intense that it actually shifted the whole country by 8 feet. 18,000 people are estimated to have perished or gone missing, and fears of a potential nuclear meltdown are displacing more than 600,000 people.

But the catastrophe hit particularly close to home for me. I’ve had the chance to live and work in Japan for three years in the past and still have some of my best friends in Tokyo. When I heard about the disaster Thursday night, I immediately started contacting my friends in Japan and tried to follow the developments online and through CNN and NHK. It was early morning when I managed to get through to most of my friends and to catch a few hours of sleep.

In an effort to help you find the most accurate and responsible charity and news sites related to the disaster, we’ve created a button that webmasters can place on their blogs that launches into a curated Smarticlist playlist:

It also directs you to high quality sites about the charities that are the most relevant and in need. Just place this script anywhere on your site or blog: Japan is a well developed country that is usually one of the first nations to lend a helping hand when a natural disaster occurs anywhere in the world. The Japanese people are resilient and I fully believe that they will make it through this crisis, emerging even stronger than before. In this time of need, let’s do what we can to help them survive and rebound.


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